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PineApp Mail Secure Managed Services Administration Guide

Market Overview

Organizations today choose to save huge costs in electricity, maintenance and other hardware related operating costs, in addition to the actual hardware purchase saving, by outsourcing their IT services to a dedicated or shared service at a service provider’s site. These service providers commonly supply IT services to multiple organizations on one shared solution platform, also known as multi-tenant solutions. No more purchasing expensive and overkill hardware platforms; now all services are remotely supplied, providing the same amount of security and double the amount of comfort.

Managed Service Solution Features

  • Multi-Tenant Solution
  • Proven spam blockage ratio of 99.7%
  • Service Allocation Dashboard for Resellers
  • Advanced Management with Domain and User-based policy rules
  • Strong perimeter security ensuring that up to 90% of threats are stopped prior to content inspections
  • User Self Managed Solution via end user personal daily traffic reports
  • Legal hold short-term (30-day) clean email backup solution
  • Seamless integration interfaces with all server types
  • Data Leakage Prevention and Content Compliance Package
  • Advanced Inappropriate Content Control (ICC)
  • LDAP support and automatic user creation services
  • Real-time Technology Implementation
  • A System and Network Resources-Friendly Solution
  • An Auto-Updated Solution
  • Multi layered Anti-Spam Filter
  • Multi layered Anti-Virus Filter with Zero-Hour Protection
  • Rapid ROI

Managed Services Features

PineApp Mail Secure includes a Managed Services tab. The Mail Secure Administrator can manage this tab via the distributed permission role flow.

Once the Administrator has logged-on to the web management interface (using their email address), the tab will appear under the Statistics / Archiving menu.

New options have been added that allow the solution Administrator to create new administration users. These users will be able to login to the solution, administer their own domains and users, and create suitable policies for them. The Administrator has an overview of every reseller/company and can view the data that is available to the managing user.

The new administration users are able to add/view/delete/allocate users and domain to the solution without administrator intervention.

When a new customer is created, the below screen will automatically appear, allowing the number of users, domains and relevant module licenses to be specified, up to the contractual maximum as shown:

If this information is not input at the outset or needs to be revised at a later stage, it can be edited by clicking on the Managed Services menu on the left and selecting ‘Customers & Units Allocation’. Click on the ‘Units Allocation’ tab as highlighted in the below screenshot.

Then click on the green edit icon to the right of the relevant customer to reach the screen where the number of users, domains and relevant module licenses can be specified or amended.

The CYBONET licensing system providesthe solution owner (Administrator) a bulk license consisting of a defined number of users and domains that the solution owner can then allocate to his sub-resellers and partners. The reseller can then re-allocate domains and users to his customers via a tree based permission system, which allows users higher up the hierarchy to view the actions of those below them.

The solution owner was given a bulk license of 10,000 users and 2,000 domains. He then created two resellers.

  • Reseller (1) 100 users and 3 domains
  • Reseller (2) 40,321 users and 150 domains
  • Once created, Reseller (1) can login and start adding domains and users, or create a company-based user with domains and allocate a portion of the reseller allocation to the company users

Step A: A new Administrative User is created by the System Solution Owner

Add new New section appears at the top
Enter customer name Customer name A-Z, 0-9
Choose type (default is Reseller) When switching to Customer Allocate below should be gray
Add contact phone number All numeric & dashes available
Add contact email address Should be correct syntax of email
Press save Window should refresh, green pop up says ‘saved Successfully’

Step B: Domain/User Allocation created by the System Solution Owner

Press add new A new section will appear at the top of the window By default, Active is checked
Customer name Choose from available customers or resellers that have just been created who don't yet have an allocation
Choose start / end date Enter service start and end date for future reference
Amount of users/ domains give Res1 and Res2
10 domains
And 10 users for each one
Enter a suitable number of domains/users for the customer to work with
Description Optional
Press save Window should refresh showing the latest allocation information
that has been created The unit's information is updated

Step C: The newly created Reseller and Company Users can Add Domains
Enter domain name (Cust1.com) A-Z 0-9 . - _
Enter description Optional for future reference
Choose method Method should only be SMTP for Managed Services
After choosing it a new section will appear below
Enter destination IP or host or mail.domain.com
Add description Optional for future reference
Add priority The opposite of MX record (high number signifies high priority: 1 is lowest, 100 is highest)
Press save Information is saved and window refreshed


Step D: Reseller and Company Users can Add Users Manually or via LDAP

Press add new New section appears at the top
Enter username
A-Z 0-9 . - _ (the unit will auto-fill in the email section, this can be changed)
Enter full name
Reseller 1 Admin
A-Z 0-9 . - _
Password = password Hidden with ***
Create email according to Reseller's Domain or
Random. For this example we create
Drop down menu should say ‘none’, since no local domains are configured
You cannot choose a local domain that will be used later on
Choose Role of the person Manager / customer / reseller
Press Add Information is added, window is refreshed and shows the user’s information


Step E: Reseller and Company Users can Debug and Verify Routing and Connectivity

Solution Modules and Managed Services
PineApp Mail Secure is accompanied by a number of easy to add solution modules which can be shared with the newly created users. These include Email Encryption, Big Data Transfer, Email Branding and a Sandboxing Module integrating Check Point’s SandBlast technology.
Email Encryption Secure outbound emails with password protected pdfs and apply automated policy rules
Big Data Transfer Enable customers to share password protected large files with a password shared over SMS
Email Branding Enable customers to brand their outbound emails Templates provided for easy configuration
Sandboxing Module (APT Blocker) Provide deeper protection by sending files that are potential threats to a cloud-hosted sandbox for deep content analysis


Adding Company Users to the Solution Modules
Under the System tab, click on ‘Module License Per User’. The available solution modules will show on the right hand side.

Click on the relevant module to which you wish to assign users. Your users will appear on the left hand side. Select the user(s) that need access to the module and click on the ‘Add’ button (circled red).

The user(s) that you have selected will appear on the right hand side of the screen under ‘Authorized Users’. They can now work with the solution modules.

The reseller can manage their customers via the Managed Services interface and can view the number of users allocated to each solution module under ‘Amount of Licenses’, and monitor how many of them are in use.