Complex Queries previously used

Always make sure to be very careful when performing commands like UPDATE or DELETE!

Updating user without default Email

obtaining the most used source IP

Run the following command -

SELECT source_ip, count(source_ip) as total from log.msg_info group by source_ip order by total desc limit 10;

It is possible to perform this query for a specific sender, subject or time frame by changing the query accordingly

Exporting query information to CSV file

Run the following command -

psql secure postgres -c 'COPY (#SQL Query#) TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER' &> users.csv

The CSV file will be created in the Root folder

Exporting User Personal White-List Rules to CSV file

Run the following command -

psql secure postgres -c 'COPY (select o.oname,w.foreign_address from pineapp.objects as o left join policy.personal_white_list_rules on oid=victim_id left join policy.white_list_rules as w on id=rule_id) TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER' &> w_user_rules.csv

The CSV file will be created in the Root folder

Changing 'Daily Report' option for certain users (0 = default, 1 = yes, 2 = no)

Run the following command after changing necessary attributes -

UPDATE pineapp."userDetails" set send_spam_report=1 where uid in (SELECT uid from pineapp."userAlias" LEFT JOIN pineapp."userDetails" using (uid) LEFT JOIN pineapp.objects on (uid=oid) where deleted='f' and email ilike <Email Mask>);

Generate list of users and their permissions sets

Run the following command -

SELECT oid, oname, dn, description from pineapp.objects inner join pineapp.perm_template_list using(tid) where isgroup=0 and deleted=false order by description asc;

Generate list of addresses white/black listed for specific users based on Connector ID

Run the following command -

SELECT foreign_address from policy.white_list_rules where id in (SELECT rule_id from policy.personal_white_list_rules inner join pineapp.objects on (victim_id=oid) where source=1);

Finding duplicate aliases (not users)

Run the following command -

SELECT email from pineapp."userAlias" group by email having count(email)>1;

Locating the users with the duplicate aliases

Run the following command -

SELECT * from pineapp.objects where oid in (select uid from pineapp."userAlias" where email in (SELECT email from pineapp."userAlias" group by email having count(email)>1));

Generating failed delivery log

Run the following command -

SELECT * FROM as d LEFT JOIN log.delivery_info as di ON d.index = di.msgdbindex WHERE direction = 2 AND respond_desc not ilike '%Remote_host_said:_250%' order by di.start_time desc

Change Direction value to '1' if you wish to generate the log for Outgoing traffic

Generating list of users according to the number of rules they have

Run the following command -

SELECT victim_id, min(oname) as user_name, count(*) as rules_num from #Policy-Rules-Table# left join pineapp.objects on victim_id = oid group by victim_id order by rules_num DESC;

Generating list of domains and their destinations

Run the following command -

SELECT d.domain,di.destination FROM config.local_domains as d LEFT JOIN config.domain_details as di ON = order by d.domain;


Important Database Tables


Following are tables frequently used to debug issues with mail policy and behavior

  • To open the database prompt, type psql secure postgres
  • To display a specific number of rows, use limit # (where # stands for number of rows)
  • To search for a specific field content, use where X ilike 'Y' (where X stands for field name and Y stands for content)
  • If the field content is unclear and a wildcard is needed, add % before and after the string (where X ilike '%Y%')
  • To search for a numerical value, use = (where uid=3)
  • All commands are case sensitive
  • Remember to always end the command with ;

SELECT * from pineapp.mailboxes …;

 oid  |       mailbox       | quota | forvard |    forvard_to     | forvard_save | vacation | vacation_subj | vacation_message | default_box
| | | | | | | | |

oid - Corresponds with 'oid' from pineapp.objects table and to 'victim_id' in 'policy' tables

SELECT * from pineapp.objects …;

 oid | isgroup |         oname         | tid | ishidden | dn |            ldap_ogid             | ldap_sync | deleted | source
| | | | | | | | |

oid - Corresponds with 'oid' from pineapp.mailboxes table and to 'victim_id' in 'policy' tables

tid - Permission Set:

  • tid=-1 - None
  • tid=0 - Default
  • tid=1 - Manager
  • tid=2 - Quarantine Manager
  • tid=3 - Network Manager
  • tid=4 - Mail & System
  • tid=5 - Personal Quarantine Manager
  • tid=6 - Personal Spam Manager
  • tid=7 - Domain Quarantine Manager
  • tid=8 - Domain Spam Manager
  • tid=9 - Read-Only

SELECT * from pineapp.“userAlias” …;

 uid |         email         | def
| |

uid - Corresponds with 'uid' from pineapp.“userDetails” table

SELECT * from pineapp.“userDetails” …;

 uid |        fullName         | dept | notes |        loginName        |             password             | send_spam_report | q_priority
| | | | | | |

uid - Corresponds with 'uid' from pineapp.“userAlias” table

The policy table names are self-explanatory

policy.personal_attachment_rules      policy.white_list_rules                 policy.domain_white_list_rules 
policy.personal_black_list_rules policy.user_strip_content_rules policy.user_black_list_rules
policy.general_rules policy.personal_general_rules policy.domain_strip_content_rules
policy.personal_kvm_rules policy.user_white_list_rules policy.user_attachment_rules
policy.global_attachment_rules policy.personal_spam_rules policy.domain_spam_rules
policy.attachment_rules policy.global_black_list_rules policy.group_spam_rules
policy.global_general_rules policy.user_spam_rules policy.domain_kvm_rules
policy.black_list_rules policy.global_kvm_rules policy.group_kvm_rules
policy.global_spam_rules policy.personal_white_list_rules policy.domain_general_rules
policy.global_strip_content_rules policy.personal_strip_content_rules policy.group_general_rules
policy.global_white_list_rules policy.user_kvm_rules policy.domain_black_list_rules
policy.group_attachment_rules policy.user_general_rules policy.group_black_list_rules

SELECT * from policy.white_list_rules …;

 id | direction |  foreign_address  | action_id_type | action_id | forward_id | mirror_id | notify_id | enabled
| | | | | | | |

SELECT * from policy.black_list_rules …;

 id | direction |   foreign_address    | action_id_type | action_id | forward_id | mirror_id | notify_id | enabled
| | | | | | | |

SELECT * from policy.user / personal / domain / group global …;

 victim_id | rule_id

victim_id - Corresponds with 'oid' from pineapp tables
rule_id - Corresponds with 'id' in the different policy tables

If a rule ID appears in the 'policy.domain...' table and you need to find which domain it is, search the ID in 'config.local_domains' table


Finding Notification Templates and the rules using them

SELECT * from pineapp.notify_templates;

secure=# SELECT * from pineapp.notify_templates;
id | name | sender_body | sender_subject | recipient_body | recipient_subject | admin_body | admin_subject |
| | | | | | | |

Use Base64 Decoder tool ( to translate the template name

SELECT * from policy.notify_actions where template_id=…;

id | mask | email | template_id
| | |

SELECT * from policy.general_rules;

 id | direction | foreign_address | action_id_type | action_id | forward_id | mirror_id | notify_id | enabled | subject
| | | | | | | | |

How to select Domains white_list rules per cust id (mind the limit at the end).
select domain,foreign_address from config.local_domains as C INNER JOIN policy.domain_white_list_rules as A on ( INNER JOIN policy.white_list_rules as B on ( where C.cust_id=33 order by domain limit 5;**

ONE1Samba users with high Permission


quarantine manager

network manager

mail & system

read only


domain quarantine manager

copy (select obj.tid,, obj.oname, ptl.description from pineapp.objects obj left join pineapp.perm_template_list ptl on obj.tid = ptl.tid left join pineapp.“userAlias” ua on obj.oid = ua.uid where obj.deleted = 'f' AND obj.tid > 0 AND obj.tid != 6 AND obj.tid != 5 AND obj.tid != 8 AND ua.def = 't' order by obj.tid) to '/tmp/Pineapp_users_High_Permission.csv' csv;

Feel free to add any information you think is needed