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PineApp Mail Secure Inappropriate Content Control Whitepaper

Inappropriate Content Control

Inappropriate content, such as pornography, has become a major concern in email based communication, as it leads to exposure to improper content, possible sexual harassment and even exposure to Viruses and other malware, generated in email-linked pornographic websites.
CYBONET has added its new-generation Inappropriate Content Control (ICC) technology into
PineApp Mail Secure solution as an optional module. The preliminary ICC package includes two central features: IWF (Internet Watch Foundation) database lookup and an image analyzer engine. The IWF is a British organization at the forefront of fighting child pornography, child abuse and pedophilia. IWF maintains and constantly updates its database of current child pornography websites. Thus, by using the IWF database lookup, PineApp Mail Secure is able to block email messages which contain links to websites or URLs of child pornography, child abuse, etc. The image analyzer engine identifies inappropriate or pornographic images in digital data transmission and other multimedia files (such as videos and PowerPoint files). The system can either block or delete the suspicious mail and notify the administrator, according to the customer's preferences and configured severity level.
CYBONET also offers a powerful new anti-pornography engine that eliminates pornography
from corporate email systems, known as the Porn Megafilter. The Porn Megafilter works by
automatically defecting and blocking incoming and outgoing pornographic pictures as well as pictures embedded in PowerPoint Presentations, videos and other media. It uses advanced image processing technologies in order to help customers comply with the required procedures and protect them from legal action.

Questions & Answers

What is Inappropriate Content?

Inappropriate content ranges from soft pornography to hard pornography, as well as indecent photographs and indecent pseudo-photographs of children.

What is the importance of Inappropriate Content Control?

Corporations are being sued by employees who have been sexually harassed or bullied by their co-workers, through exposure to inappropriate content in the workplace. Under the Protection Form Harassment Act (1997), corporations are vicariously liable to these employees complaining of harassment. A corporation's only defense in such cases is interdiction (preventing the harassment in the first place) and taking all reasonably, practical measures to avoid the act.
It is a known fact that the prevention of an event, which would otherwise give rise to a cause of action in law, is far better than defending the action later. The new generation of Inappropriate Content Control (ICC) technology, is the way in which corporations can prevent such action from occurring.

How does the IWF Database work?

The new IWF-Compliance feature offers greater email compliance by tagging messages which contain references to child abuse image sites (i.e. child pornography sites). CYBONET has integrated a URL blacklist provided by the Internet Watch Foundation (www.iwf.org.uk) into the ICC module. As a result, CYBONET now also provides a new anti-child abuse feature to their customers. The IWF works in collaboration with the police, governmental organizations, the wider online industry and the public to combat the availability of illegal online content. The URL list is updated daily with new sites hosting child abuse images.

How does the Image-Analyzer technology work?

The Image Analyzer engine scans the composition of images, in order to determine attributes that indicate whether the image may be of a pornographic nature. It uses sophisticated analytical processes consisting of thousands of algorithms. These include 11 different detection methods and hundreds of individual scanning parameters, set to provide sufficient information to reliably distinguish between pornographic and non-pornographic images.


Optional module including:

  • Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
  • Porn MegaFilter
  • Scans images to determine if they contain pornography
  • Low false positive rate
  • Advanced technology includes
  • Body identification
  • Edge detection
  • Body part separation
  • Curvature analysis
  • Face recognition